arsenic health hazards

  • Arsenic What is arsenic?

    Breathing high levels of inorganic arsenic may cause a sore throat and irritated lungs. Inhaled inorganic arsenic can increase the risk of lung cancer. Chronic eating or drinking of arsenic may increase the risks of developing skin cancer and cancer in the liver, bladder, and lungs.

  • 6. What are the effects of arsenic on the environment?

    6. What are the effects of arsenic on the environment? Water and landliving plants and animals show a wide range of sensitivities to different chemical forms of arsenic. Their sensitivity is modified both by biological factors and by their surrounding physical and chemical environment.

  • Scientific Facts on Arsenic GreenFacts Facts on Health ...

    Those who survive acute poisoning may develop pigment spots in the skin and damage to red blood cells, bone marrow (where blood cells are made), liver, nerves and brain. Longterm exposure to high levels of arsenic in drinking water can cause thickening and pigment spots in the skin,...

  • (PDF) Hazards of arsenic poisoning | GERF Bulletin of ...

    ongoing investigations into the health effects and geochem Although arsenic is not considered to be highly mobile, istry of arsenic exposure, particularly in technologies, it is certain factors, such as the use of fertilizers, can mobilize it also important to spread the awareness regarding this con and enable it to reach ground water.

  • Arsenic: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning

    Side Effects Safety Arsenic is LIKELY SAFE when eaten in normal food amounts. The form of arsenic found naturally in foods (organic arsenic) does not seem to cause any a level of 50 mcg ...

  • Health hazards of arsenic poisoning environmental: From ...

    Jan 01, 2011· title = "Health hazards of arsenic poisoning environmental: From epidemic to pandemic", abstract = "This book covers the entire spectrum of health effects induced by chronic arsenic poisoning, which is prevalent in more than 30 countries due to the use of unclean underground water, a result of surface water pollution and shortage.

  • Arsenic and the Workplace | Communications Workers of America

    Health Effects. In more severe cases, paralysis may occur. Arsenic compounds are a skin irritant causing skin rashes or dermatitis, burning, itching, and changes in the color of the skin. The moist mucous membranes of the body are most sensitive to the irritant action. In addition, the skin, eyelids, angles of the ears, nose, mouth,...

  • Summary of Arsenic Hazards to Fish, Wildlife and ...

    ARSENIC HAZARDS TO FISH, WILDLIFE, AND INVERTEBRATES: A SYNOPTIC REVIEW by Ronald Eisler Fish and Wildlife Service Patuxent Wildlife Research Center ... Protection Agency drinking water criterion for human health protection is 50 ug/1), 120 mg As/kg diet, or (in the case of freshwater fish) tissue residues

  • Arsenic and Drinking Water

    Arsenic is a naturally occurring element, but longterm exposure can cause cancer in people. There has been a substantial amount of research done to address arsenic in groundwater and drinkingwater supplies around the country. The USGS studies local and national sources of arsenic to help health ...


    Arsenic and arsenic compounds. (Environmental health criteria ; 224) − toxicity − toxicity exposure Programme on Chemical Safety II. WHO Task Group on Environmental Health Criteria for Arsenic and Arsenic Compounds ISBN 92 4 157224 8 (NLM Classification: QV 294)

  • Health Risks from Arsenic and Lead | TacomaPierce County ...

    Longterm exposure to low levels of arsenic and lead can harm your health. You may get exposed if you accidentally swallow or breathe in contaminated soil. Children under six are most at risk because they are still growing and developing. They put hands and toys in their mouths and can ingest arsenic and lead. Arsenic may contribute...

  • Inorganic Arsenic | The EPA Blog

    In addition, we will also be discussing key science issues relevant to assessing the health hazards of inorganic arsenic. A list of these issues is available on our website. We encourage you to help us identify additional science issues that you think are important. These public discussions will ultimately help shape the science of our assessment.

  • Arsenic (Inorganic) Proposition 65 Warnings Website

    Exposure to arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds can cause cancer of the lung, bladder, and skin. Such exposures may also cause cancer of the liver, prostate, and kidneys. Arsenic (inorganic oxides) is on the Proposition 65 list because it can cause birth defects or other reproductive harm.

  • Health Hazards among Coastal Villagers of Pakistan Due to ...

    Geographically, more arseniccontaminated groundwater and diseases were alongside coastline, which suggests a strong link between arsenic contamination of groundwater with proximity to Arabian Sea. This is the first reported epidemiological and clinical evidence of arsenic health hazards due to groundwater in coastal villages of Pakistan.

  • Arsenic in Minnesota's Well Water

    If arsenic levels in drinking water are lower, food may be the greater source of exposure. When EPA sets an MCL, it considers not only the health risks, but also the cost and technical difficulty of removing the contaminant down to that level.

  • Inorganic Arsenic

    The health hazard of inorganic arsenic is high. Ways in which the chemical affects your body. Exposure to airborne concentrations of inorganic arsenic may cause lung cancer, and can be a skin irritant.

  • Protect Yourself from Arsenic in Your Well Water

    amounts can enter the body through the skin. Breathing high levels of arsenic in a short time. may cause a sore throat, irritated lungs, or difficulty breathing. Breathing arsenic for a long period of time may cause some numbness in the arms and legs, thickening or discoloration of the skin, and possible liver damage.

  • 5 Things You Should Know About Arsenic Live Science

    Sep 19, 2012· Inorganic arsenic is a known human carcinogen — it is this form of arsenic that is linked with increased risks of cancer and other health effects. 4. Do we know that the arsenic .

  • Inorganic Arsenic Program

    Current program managers are: Chief Engineer (FM, Heating Plant) Environmental Safety Coordinator (EHS) Arsenic is found naturally in the earth. Ohio has naturally high levels of arsenic in the soil in many parts of the state. Arsenic levels vary as a contaminant in coal.

  • Arsenic | Georgia Department of Public Health

    Telephone consultation on health risks from environmental exposures in children. Medscape Reference Arsenic toxicity in emergency medicine. How has the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) responded to known elevated arsenic levels in South GA?

  • Arsenic In Rice Dangers | BlackDoctor

    Sep 25, 2012· Arsenic does appear naturally in the earth, but Consumer Report says levels have been increased by use of arseniclaced fertilizer. Consumer Reports scientists explain that arsenic is fed to chickens, turkey, and pigs, and their manure is used as fertilizer for rice and other crops.
